Monday, September 3, 2012

How To Use Facebook To Build Up Your Business

by Jeremy Gislason
Posted on April 9, 2009
Facebook is one of the most popular social networking mediums, and their membership numbers are increasing quickly. It is a great tool for networking; but like many tools available for networking on the web, promotional or marketing activities are frowned upon. 

So be careful when using Facebook and do your online marketing activities under the radar, or you might miss out on a powerful tool to boost your business.

In this article, I’ll give you some vital pointers to maximize the power of Facebook.

1) Just like any other social site, be careful what you put in your profile. 

You don’t want to be seen as a link spammer. And you don’t want to give away too much personal information either (unless you don't care that thousands of people may see your profile). 

Just be careful with any personal details you put out there for others to see, such as where you live and pictures of your children. You do not want to pick up a stalker, especially when you are networking with strangers. 

2) Don’t make the mistake of using your business name as your profile name, as this is against Facebook’s terms of service. 

You are allowed to create other Facebook pages to brand your company, products or websites. 

3) Respond to any friend requests and carefully send your own invitations. Make them personal and interesting. 

Developing a great network is your long-term goal to generate a slow, but steady traffic stream to your websites. Use this tool to your advantage without being pushy or overbearing. Facebooks members hate spamming (who doesn’t?) and will carefully watch out for anything that violates their Terms of Service (TOS). 

If you want to see profiles of those from another network, add them as your friends using the "Add to Friends" button. Follow the steps in the Edit tool to fill out any information you want others in your network, or others you accept as friends, to view. 

4) Use various applications of Facebook. 

Facebook has many applications which would make your networking experience easier or more enjoyable. Examples are applications for adding footage or photograph albums to your profile for others to see.

I’ll discuss two other powerful Facebook applications in a moment.

5) Use Facebook’s “My Questions” application to find out what people are exactly looking for concerning your niche.

This is where posters answer certain questions about themselves and what they are looking for on Facebook. They will also list their interests. Use this in your networking activities. 

Unless they have expressed an interest in your field, do not invite them to join your friends list. Of course, you can still ask them if you genuinely want to be their friend. 

But if you are there to network for your website business, then choose your friends wisely. This is how you are building your list and getting traffic to your website. So you have to manage your time well and eliminate non-productive activities. 

Again, be very careful about Facebook’s TOS. Do not go against it because breaking the rules will get you banned. 

6) Use “Facebook Discuss.” 

It is Facebook's answer to instant messaging. Chatting, or IM'ing, on Facebook is truly quite easy when you use Facebook Discuss . 

Just go to your Facebook page and you can start using Facebook Discuss immediately. At the base of each Facebook page, you may see your Facebook Discuss tools. 

The first of the 3 Facebook Discuss tools is the online friends tool. This simply tells you which of your Facebook buddies is online at this time. The next Facebook Discuss tool is notifications that may let you know if you have any new Facebook notifications right from the tool. The 3rd tool in Facebook Discuss is the real discuss tool.

7) Create and join Facebook groups. 

Just as they have subscribed to your blog, they're going to join your Facebook group. So people looking on Facebook for related groups would feel welcome to join. 

Facebook groups are viral selling mechanisms. Search Facebook for groups on your topic and related ones. In each of these groups, you can post a message on the group Wall or debate board, or you may use the Post a Link feature to inform the group's members of your group and your blog. 

By promoting your Facebook group at first, rather than promoting your blog, you decrease the chance the group director will remove your message. Any Facebook member can make a group and invite users on their pals list to join. 

A form prompts you to give the group a name, passing outline and class. At the following stage, you can customize your group's available applications, upload a profile photograph and set privacy levels. 

A secret group is fascinating for work-related activity, but it will not show up in search results. Choosing a closed group might be the best idea for you to protect your privacy. You will be inspired to choose members from your friends list to join the group. 

When you start a group on Facebook, you can invite members to join the group and share their thoughts, viewpoints and consultations about your product, idea or start-up. Invitations to join a Facebook group can be through your Facebook buddies, your Yahoo contacts, etc. 

8) Integrate your application into specific areas of the Facebook profile.

A Facebook application can take on a lot of forms; but in order to entirely implement the selection of integration points and deliver a full user experience, it is advised that you integrate your application into specific areas of the Facebook profile. 

This permits millions of viewers to see your business everywhere on Facebook and attract potential patrons, who would naturally visit your start-up Internet site. 

Remember to follow all Facebooks rules; otherwise, you’ll risk getting banned and your account deleted. This is not what you are looking for. Instead you want to use the group feature to promote your website within Facebooks rules. Do not overstep by thinking you can get around the rules. Use Facebook features to your advantage and you will see an increase in your website traffic.

Want to know proven ways to tremendously increase membership sales? Want to take]membership marketing to a whole new level of overflowing profits? Build high-earning membership sites like a pro by going to


Kejadian ini berlaku di dalam sebuah pernebangan
> Boeing 767 dari Los
> Angelas ke malaysia. Kelihatan seorang gadis cantik
> molek sedang duduk
> bersebelahan dengan seorang peguam cerdik pandai.Otak
> peguam yang bergeliga
> itu terus bertanya gadis tersebut untuk bermain
> teka-teki. gadis yang dalam
> keletihan & penat tidak berminat & dengan sopan santun ditolak
> permintaan peguam tersebut . Peguam berasa tidak puas hati &
> berasa direndah-rendahkan
> maka diajaknya gadis untuk menjawap teka-tekinya.
> Peguam berkata" saya tanya satu Teka-teki ,jika u
> dapat jawap I pay u RM500
> but if u tak dapat jawap u only pay me RM5.00 !!!
> amacam???/
> maka gadis tersebut menerima cabaran peguam tanpa
> segan-silu.
> Peguam terus memulakan teka-teki yang pertama : "
> Berapa jauh jarak
> diantara Bumi dan bulan??"
> gadis tersebut diam selamba dan membuka dompenya
> mengeluarkan wang RM5.00
> menyerahkan kepada peguam tanda kalah.
> "Sekarang giliran u" cabar peguam! ..
> Maka gadis acuh tak acuh bertanya : " Apakah haiwan
> yang naik bukit dengan
> tiga kaki dan turun bukit dengan empat kaki???"
> Peguam tersebut terus mengeluarkan computer dari
> begnya dan terus mencari
> maklumat, tiada jawapan...Dia terus memasangkan Modem
> dan mencari dalam
> internet ..tiada jawapan .Dengan putus asa,peluang
> terakhir dia mengirim
> e-mail kepada setiap kawanya sebagai Doktor, lawyer. scientice,
> arkitek, namun tiada yang dapat menolongnya.
> setelah sejam bergelut untuk mendapatkan jawapan
> akhirnya peguam tersebut
> mengaku kalah dan mengejutkan gadis yang telah
> tertidur dan menyerahkan
> RM500.00 tanda kalah.
> Dengan perasaan ingin tahu, peguam bertanya apakah
> jawapan untuk teka-teki
> tadi?
> Dengan selamba, gadis itu membuka daompetnya dan
> mengeluarkan note RM5.00
> dan menyerahkan kepada peguam tersebut dan menjawap :
> "Tidak Tahu"


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